January 16, 2019
‘Can I Donate a Non-Running Car?’ Here’s What You Should Know

Photo by Ruslan Khmelevsky under Pexels License
One of the many forms of philanthropic work is giving away an old car or truck or any other type of vehicle to charity. While many individuals are interested in donating their old vehicles that only take up space in their garage, backyard or driveway, some wonder and ask, “Can I donate a non-running car?”
It might surprise you to know that the answer is “yes.” Indeed, you can donate a non-running car. However, you have to find out first whether the charitable institution where you intend to donate your defective vehicle would welcome such a donation. This is because not all charities accept such kind of vehicle donations.
At Veteran Car Donations, you can be sure that the vehicle you’re donating—regardless of its age or condition—would be welcomed with open arms. We accept nearly all types of vehicles, including those that are no longer in running condition. Of course, it would be much better if you can donate a vehicle that is fairly in good shape and can be reused by the person who will buy it once it is auctioned off. It would be easier to sell such a vehicle and it would fetch a bigger selling price, which would mean a bigger tax deduction for you.
Nevertheless, we won’t turn down a donation offer of a non-running car—except when it is so heavily damaged as to be worthless. If you have concerns regarding the condition of the vehicle you intend to donate, feel free to call us at our toll-free hotline 877-594-5822, and we will tell right there and then whether you can go ahead with your car donation plans.
If you have more than one vehicle that you want to dispose of, we gladly welcome multiple vehicle donations. More donations mean more funds for the reputable IRS-certified military and veteran nonprofit organizations that we’re in partnership with, which means more benefits for our active-duty troops and veterans. Of course, more donations also mean more benefits for our donors, including more tax write-offs.
How Your Car Donation Will Benefit Needy Veterans
Our veterans are worthy of every help we can offer them. They were the men and women who fought for us, bled for us, made huge sacrifices, and risked their lives to preserve our freedoms and protect our nation’s security. That’s why they are considered as our nation’s heroes.
Unfortunately, many of them now live miserable lives, suffering from service-connected disabilities, physical and mental health problems, inability to find jobs, and homelessness due to poverty and lack of support.
Your donation of even a non-running car will help in enabling these veterans to receive mortgage-free and specially adapted homes, free physical and mental health care services, employment opportunities, job training, transitioning assistance, education scholarships, financial assistance, and many other benefits.
How Our Car Donation Process Works
When you donate a vehicle to us at Veteran Car Donations, we can guarantee you a hassle-free donation process. It’s easy, fast, and very convenient. You can do it anywhere and anytime!
Here’s a brief guide to our vehicle donations process:
All you have to do is call us at our toll-free 24/7 hotline 877-594-5822. Another option is to fill out our secure online donation form. Either of the two options will take you just a few minutes to complete.
Once you do that, we’ll take care of the rest of the donation process.
We’ll pick up your vehicle at zero cost to you and on the time, date, and place most convenient to you. We’ll process all the required paperwork before auctioning off your car. Once it is sold, we’ll mail you your 100-percent tax-deductible sales receipt. You will need this document to claim your tax deduction, which will be based on the selling price of your vehicle as shown on the receipt or on its fair market value.
If you have questions regarding our car donations process or any related matter, feel free to call us at 877-594-5822. You can also visit our FAQs page or send us a message online.
Why Donate a Non-Running Car?
There are many advantages in simply donating to charity a non-running car that’s just gathering dust in your yard or garage. Here are some of them:
- Receive a top tax deduction.
- Enjoy our fast and free towing services.
- We take care of everything, including all paperwork.
- Enjoy our fast, easy, and convenient donation process.
- No more unwanted expenses on car repairs, maintenance, registration, and insurance.
- Avoid the hassles, risks, and waste of time, effort, and money in trying to sell an old car yourself.
- Free up space in your garage or backyard.
- Feel great knowing that you’re contributing to a great cause: uplifting the lives of our nation’s struggling heroes.
Turn Your Clunker into a Winner!

Photo by sergio souza under Pexels License
“Can I donate a non-running car?” Indeed, you can. We’ll turn that car into a resource that can transform the lives of our suffering veterans. Call us at 877-594-5822 and turn your clunker into a winner!
Last Updated: August 23rd, 2023