September 29, 2019
Gold Star Mother’s Day: Everything to Know about It

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio under Pexels License
One of the most painful things that a mother can experience is the loss of a child. The sad truth is that death is something we have no control over, as much as we want to.
During those times in the past when American troops were engaged in combat overseas, each day was a huge relief for the mothers of our servicemen and servicewomen if they didn’t hear bad news about their sons and daughters. Unfortunately, there were days when some mothers would be greeted with the heartbreaking news that their children were killed in action.
Once an American soldier dies in a time of war or conflict, their mother automatically becomes a Gold Star Mother.
To show our support and appreciation for the mothers of slain American soldiers, a special day was designated to honor them: Gold Star Mother’s Day. The occasion takes place every last Sunday of September, which means that we’ll celebrate it on September 29 this year.
What Does the Gold Star Represent?
If you’re wondering what the Gold Star stands for, it’s the symbol of a loved one who perished in combat. Although the symbol’s exact roots aren’t clearly known, many believe that the tradition of honoring the mothers of fallen American troops started during World War II.
Back then, military families would hang service flags in their homes. These flags featured either a blue star or a gold star. A blue star represented an active service member in the family while a gold star represented a fallen member.
Today, the mothers of deceased soldiers wear gold star pins to remember the ultimate sacrifice made by their fallen children.
Who Came Up With Gold Stars Mother’s Day?
The idea behind Gold Star Mother’s Day came from Grace Darling Seibold, the founder of the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. Seibold had a son working in the U.S. military during World War I. Upon learning about her son’s disappearance from the battlefield in France, Seibold decided to work in veteran hospitals in Washington D.C. for years, hoping against hope that her son might have been injured and returned to the United States without any identification.
Her hope turned into despair when she eventually found out about her son’s death. However, that didn’t stop her from continuing her community service. It even inspired her to organize a group where mothers of deceased soldiers can support one another. That group came to be known as the American Gold Star Mothers.
A nonprofit organization, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. aims to provide our active service members and veterans, as well as their families, all the support they can get. Aside from raising funds for military nonprofits, the members of this organization also take time to visit veterans in their own homes, care centers, or hospitals.
What Usually Happens During Gold Star Mother’s Day?
Although Gold Star Mother’s Day is not a public holiday, many Americans in various parts of the country observe it by displaying the national flag in their homes and offices to express their sympathy for the bereaved mothers. To mark the occasion, government buildings would put up flags to honor Gold Star mothers and their families. Other commemorative events would also be held, including conventions and wreath-laying services.
A Simple Act of Charity to Transform Lives
You can easily show your support to our nation’s heroes by donating a vehicle you no longer need to us at Veteran Car Donations. When you do so, you’ll be helping provide a better future for those veterans in your community who are facing difficult times. You’ll also be providing assistance to grief-stricken families of our fallen heroes.
We’ll auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support the programs of our IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit partners that provide needy veterans and their families with essential medical care, shelter, food, mental health services, and other benefits.
Whether you’re donating a hardly working motorbike or a truck that’s still in great shape, it will be our pleasure to turn it into a life-transforming instrument.
As a token of our gratitude for supporting our cause, you can count on us to haul off your vehicle wherever and whenever you want at absolutely zero cost to you. We’ll also handle all the paperwork. Once we sold your donated vehicle, we’ll promptly mail to you your 100% tax-deductible receipt, which serves as your ticket for claiming your top tax deduction in the next tax season.
Think about it: You’ll easily dispose of a no-longer-needed automobile and use it to transform the lives of our heroes while you get to enjoy a tax deduction in return. That’s just an offer you can’t turn down!
If you’re interested to donate today, call us at 877-594-5822 or fill out our online donation form.
Do you have questions? Call us anytime at our toll-free hotline or send us a message online. For more information, check out FAQs page.
Show Our Vets They’re Not Forgotten

Photo by The Humantra under Pexels License
To mark Gold Star Mother’s Day on September 29, why not show our nation’s heroes that they’re not forgotten? Call us at 877-594-5822 and extend them a helping hand with your car donation!
Last Updated: August 23rd, 2023