June 10, 2016
Vehicle Donations for Vets
There are over 22 million veterans in our country today. And, that figure is set to rise by a few more million in the next few years, as troops pull out of their missions. All of these people made huge sacrifices to fight for our freedom and protect our country.
It’s a tragedy that there are over 500,000 unemployed veterans all over the USA. To make matters worse, current statistics claim there are around 50,000 homeless ones too. It’s a such a shame that the people who served our country are now struggling to live their life back home. After all their sacrifices, they deserve to have a comfortable life, free from financial worry and pain.
While we sit at home, living our lives, veterans are struggling. Often, they return home with physical or mental barriers that hinder their ability to secure gainful employment. This is one of the main reasons why there is such a high unemployment rate amongst veterans. And, when you can’t get a job, you can’t earn money.
Of course, the government has programs to try and help out ex-servicemen and women that are coming home. However, many times these programs are not enough and these veterans just don’t receive the support they need when they need it most.
So, what can be done to help the vets throughout our country? Well, consider vehicle donation. By donating your vehicle, you’ll be helping out more than you can imagine.

Photo by Tobi under Pexels License
Your car will be used to help fund numerous programs that will integrate veterans back into society and help bridge the gap of services that the government can’t or won’t address. There are nonprofit programs that can help veterans gain access to employment, deliver much needed mental health support, as well as provide specially adapted homes for veterans severely disabled in combat.
Thanks to car donations, thousands of veterans are now living a better life. They’re finding it easier to get a job, and be financially stable. The skills they learn have helped them adjust back into society and not feel left out in the modern world.
No longer are they having to struggle on a daily basis to get by. Instead of being out on the streets, they have a place to come home to and a job to earn a living. They’re able to live life like the rest of us, instead of going through hardship after hardship. You can help them get the education they might have missed out on by joining the military, and let them pursue their dreams!
When you think about it, it’s incredible how much donating your vehicle can help vets. One simple donation can change someone’s life, for the better. It makes sense to donate a vehicle that’s just sitting around collecting dirt and dust. Donating is more fulfilling that trying to sell it, and you get tax benefits too.
In essence, it’s a win-win situation for you. You get a top tax deduction and you also get the feel-good feeling of transforming the lives of the people that fought and sacrificed for our country.
Last Updated: March 8th, 2023