May 23, 2018
Donate a Car and Help Our Veterans Needing Mental Health Care This Mental Health Month

Photo by Negative Space under Pexels License
Health is not just about having a good heart rate, a stable blood pressure level, or excellent functioning body organs. Every year, millions of Americans are confronting the reality of having a mental illness. As a matter of fact, one in six U.S. adults lives with a mental illness (44.7 million in 2016), according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his abilities, can take charge of everyday stresses and has the courage to work efficiently and take an active involvement in the community. The expansive campaign on mental health educates people to put great emphasis on their mental health before diseases even start to develop. It is geared towards preventing rather than treating what is already present.
In the observance of Mental Health Month this May, let us remember our former troops who are suffering from mental illnesses and need some counseling.
You can play an active role in this regard by donating your old and unwanted car to Veteran Car Donations. Your participation in our car donation program would go a long way in providing much needed mental health care and other essential services for our veterans.
Our Veterans and Their Mental Health
A significant number of our veterans who served either in Afghanistan and Iraq have returned home showing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, depression, and other mental health issues.
Many of these veterans have not received treatment for their mental health condition for lack of access to government health service. This is one of the reasons why they have not been able to find jobs that would enable them to support themselves and their families. With no source of income coupled with their inability to obtain assistance from the government, these veterans have quickly fallen into destitution. Some have taken to substance and alcohol abuse as coping mechanisms, further worsening their condition. Some have become homeless and forced to beg for morsels of food and loose change just to survive.
The Benefits Our Veterans Will Get, Thanks to Your Car Donation
These are the veterans we at Veteran Car Donations seek to help with the support of our car donors. We work with reputable nonprofit organizations that are devoted to rebuilding and transforming the lives of our unsung heroes. With our nationwide vehicle donation fundraisers, we are able to generate funds to support the programs and services being provided by our nonprofit partners to destitute veterans and their families. The services our veterans receive include:
- Transitioning assistance after deployment;
- Mortgage-free and specially adapted homes for the homeless and physically disabled;
- Tutoring and educational scholarships;
- Mentoring and job training programs;
- Grief counseling for the families of fallen heroes;
- Ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of available benefits;
- Easy access to health facilities
Help Our Veterans—And Yourself, Too

Photo by Anna Tarazevich under Pexels License
If you want to make a significant contribution to improving the welfare of our veterans, you can do so with just one phone call to us at Veteran Car Donations, telling us that you’re donating a car or any other vehicle for the benefit of our struggling former troops. Another way to make your donation is to fill out our online donation form.
You can make your donation anywhere in the United States since we have car donation programs in all 50 states.
You would also be helping yourself with your car donation since you’ll be receiving rewards from us for your good deeds. They include free and fast towing service and maximized tax deduction equivalent to either the sales price of your vehicle after we sell it through auction or its fair market value.
Contact us at 877-594-5822 and donate a car for the benefit of our nation’s heroes this Mental Health Month.
Last Updated: March 8th, 2023