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Here you’ll find articles relating to the many challenges our veterans and their families face daily.

Getting Ready for Tax Day -
April 17, 2018

It’s Tax Day! Friendly Reminder To Get Yours In Now!

April 17 — Tax Day: Understanding the Benefits of Donating a Car Many of us will mark Tax Day on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. It’s the deadline for many U.S. residents to file their income tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The date is usually on or around April 15, but this year ...
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Adding Up Figures -
April 17, 2018

What Is The Minimum Donation Deduction?

What Is the Minimum Donation Deduction? Here’s What You Need to Know Based on the rules established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), there is no such thing as a minimum donation deduction. However, the IRS has imposed limits on donations. Depending on the type of charity and type of contribution, you can only claim ...
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Donation Receipt for your Vehicle Donation -
April 16, 2018

Your Vehicle Donation Receipt: What Is It & Why Is It Important?

Your Vehicle Donation Receipt: What Is It & Why Is It Important? Ever wondered what a donation receipt is for, or why it really matters for donors and nonprofits alike? We’re here to break it down for you. A donation receipt is not just an ordinary document, but it’s one that proves an individual’s contribution ...
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An Elderly Man Standing Beside an American Flag | Veteran Car Donations
April 5, 2018

Cars for Veterans: How Your Car Can Make a Difference In the Lives of Our Veterans

Cars for Veterans: How Your Car Can Make a Difference In the Lives of Our Veterans Donating cars for veterans is a sure-fire way to bring much-needed relief to our struggling veterans. We at Veteran Car Donations are intensifying our effort to help in providing our nation’s heroes with essential medical care, shelter, food, mental ...
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Donate Your Car that Failed the Smog Test
April 5, 2018

Vehicle Failed The Smog Test? Donate it!

Donate Your Car that Failed the Smog Test and Turn It Into an Instrument to Help Our Struggling Veterans Don’t you just hate it when your favorite car has finally reached the age when it starts to emit black puffs of smoke? When this happens, your vehicle’s apparently telling you that it’s time the two of ...
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A Man Sleeping on a Cardboard | Veteran Car Donations
April 5, 2018

Help Feed Our Homeless Veterans

Feed the Homeless Among Our Veterans and Uplift their Lives With Your Car Donations One of the most upsetting and disgusting images one can possibly see is a U.S. veteran turned homeless beggar begging for food on the sidewalk. That image is not at all uncommon as tens of thousands of our former troops are now ...
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Brown Leather Wallet and Us Dollar Banknote | Veteran Car Donations
April 5, 2018

How Much Can I Claim For Donating My Vehicle?

‘How Much Can I Claim For Donating My Vehicle?’ The amount you can claim as your tax deduction for donating a vehicle depends on how the charitable organization will treat your vehicle once you have donated it. They will either sell it at auction and get the gross proceeds or use it for other purposes ...
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Different Types of Tax-Deductible Donations Paperworks -
April 5, 2018

Types of Tax-Deductible Donations

Know the Different Types of Tax-Deductible Donations, Including Car Donations for the Benefit of Our Struggling Veterans Donating cash or materials you no longer need such as your old car will certainly benefit and even transform the lives of many of our less fortunate countrymen and women. They include our former troops who are now experiencing ...
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Man Filling Out Car Title -
April 5, 2018

What Does a Car Title Look Like?

What Does a Car Title Look Like? Know the Document’s Importance and Why It’s Needed When Making Car Donation Let us first define what a car title is. It is a legal form which provides proof of ownership of a vehicle by a person or a business entity It is typically issued by your state’s ...
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Woman Sitting in front of her Computer -
April 5, 2018

What Is A 1098-C IRS Form?

What Is a 1098-C IRS Form? Know the Conditions for Getting Tax Deductions on Vehicles You Donate to Charity You may already be well aware that when you donate a vehicle to a charitable organization, you can claim a tax deduction the amount of which depends on how much your vehicle was sold by the ...
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