Photo by Roadpass under Unsplash License
Give back to our veterans through your Georgia RV donations and experience the joy of being able to help people who badly need assistance.  Do you have an RV that is about to make its last round of travel? Is it about to reach its last stretch of camping trek? If you are thinking of what to do with your recreational vehicle after you stop using it, call us at 877-594-5822 and we’ll tell you why donating it to us is your best option.
An increasing number of our servicemen and women are returning to our homeland each year, with many of them retiring or getting discharged. These brave warriors made enormous sacrifices and risked their lives to guarantee the preservation of peace in America and to protect our privileges and rights.
When they were deployed overseas to confront those that threaten our nation, they never took into account the implications that their decision might have on their loved ones. Our courageous soldiers placed our country and our people on top of their priorities.
Unfortunately, after returning home following the completion of their tours of duty and their subsequent discharge or retirement from the service, they now face even bigger predicaments.
Why Our Veterans Need Our Help
Many of our veterans are suffering from a variety of physical and mental health problems: disabling injuries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, depression, anxiety, and a lot more. For many of these veterans, obtaining government medical care has been a struggle.
Those who were lucky enough to survive the wars unscratched still had to deal with serious problems like their lack of civilian job experience and educational qualification. This prevents them from finding a job and source of income to support themselves and their family. With no money to buy even the basic necessities of life, some have been forced to beg for food and money on our streets and sidewalks, joining America’s homeless people.
Claiming government benefits is difficult for many of our veterans. Typically, it takes six months for a veteran applying for government benefits to receive a response. Some are lucky to receive their claims. But many other benefit claims get rejected or else buried in the huge pile of unattended papers.
Certainly, our retired military men and women do not deserve this form of treatment. That’s the reason why Veteran Car Donations is here: to help fill in the gaps in government service to our veterans.
How to Make Georgia RV Donations
Donating an RV in Georgia involves an easy and fast process. You simply have to complete the following steps:
- Contact us. Reach out to Veteran Car Donations by giving us a call at 877-594-5822 or completing our online donation form. Provide pertinent details regarding the RV you wish to give away including the year it was purchased and the date it was last used.
- Towing arrangement. We make an arrangement with a towing company, and the latter contacts you to inquire about the time and date you prefer your RV to be picked up. Here you have the opportunity to choose the time and date most convenient for you.
- Auction and selling. Once we have your RV, we will assess it, refurbish it, and put it on the auction block. As soon as it is sold, the funds we obtain from selling your recreational vehicle will go our nonprofit partners to support their programs.
- Mail time. You will receive a tax-deductible sales receipt through postal mail, which you can use for documentation as well as tax deduction
Why Donate Your Old RV
The funds we acquire from your Georgia RV donations will be used to empower and uplift the living condition of our veterans. By giving away an RV, you become part of an organization that renders philanthropic work for our retired servicemen and women. You gain other benefits such as:
- You will have the opportunity to create an impact on the lives of our veterans.
- You will obtain a reasonable tax deduction.
- Towing is free of charge and you will likewise have the convenience of choosing the time for pickup.
- You will be completely free from any concern related to putting your RV to auction and selling it to interested prospective buyers.
- You will free yourself from costly RV repairs.
What Happens After Making an RV Donation?
After giving us your recreational vehicle, we will send it to an auction house. After it is sold, Veteran Car Donations will mail you your tax-deductible sales receipt. If your RV sells for less than $500, you will be qualified to take a deduction of the RV’s fair market value of up to $500 without the need for documentation. If your RV was sold beyond $500, you will be informed of the final selling price, and this will be the amount that you can claim as your tax deduction when you file your itemized federal income tax return in the next tax-filing season.
Make Your Georgia RV Donations Today!

Photo by Brandon Mowinkel under Unsplash License
Hundreds and thousands of military servicemen and women complete their tours of duty every year. Many of them will soon be pulled out from the service, with many of them joining the ranks of the unemployed. We surely would not wish to see our courageous men and women suffering after all the sacrifices they have already done for the nation.
Donate your RV today and be a mover of change that this country needs. Give us a call at 877-594-5822 for your Georgia RV donations.
Last Updated: October 30th, 2023